Hej fina! Haha gissa om jag älskar den här hatten? 😉 Vill ha på mig den varje dag hehe. Det mysiga med höst är stickade tröjor och mysiga saker. Jag har lovat mig själv att välja värme framför snygghet i vinter, så fort det blir minusgrader kommer mitt rätta jag fram, eskimån. Just nu pågår jakten på perfekta vinterskor och jacka. Vi får se vad jag hittar! Vill ha ett par sjukt varma, vattentäta skor man kan glida ner foten i bara. Om ni vet några så tipsa gärna!

Igår la jag mig tidigt efter att ha njutit av skagenröran som jag var taggad på haha. Glömde dock att ställa larm när jag somnade för var så trött, så vaknade jag 9.30(!!!!!), ångest!!! Aja, antar att min kropp verkligen behövde sömn. I helgen blir det i alla fall massa mys! Ikväll ska min kille bort och jag sa åt min kompis Vickan att komma hit och äta tacos med mig om hon ville och det ville hon. Så det blir taco night och Idol (som 79% av hela Sverige). Imorgon är vi bortbjudna till min killes vänner och på söndag fyller hans mami år så vi ska dit och fira henne <3 Ska verkligen ta det lugnt i helgen, har redan städat hela lägenheten och ska förbereda så mycket jobb jag kan. Så välbehövligt 🙂 Nu ska jag sätta igång här, ha en fin fredag babes!

Hello cuties! Haha guess if I love this hat? 😉 Wanna wear it every day hehe. The cozy thing about autumn is knitted sweaters and cozy things. I have promised myself to choose warmth in front of looking good this winter, as soon as it gets minus, the true me will come forward, the eskimo. Right now the search for the perfect winter shoes and jackets is going in. We’ll see what I find! Want a pair of warm waterproof shoes you can slide your foot in. If you know any, please feel free to share it!

Yesterday, I went to bed early after enjoying my Skagenröra that I was excited about haha. However, I forgot to put alarm when I fell asleep because I was so tired, so I woke up at 9.30 (!!!!!), aaahhh!!! Well, suppose my body really needed sleep. This weekend, at least, it will be filled with cozy things! Tonight, my boy’s gone and I told my friend Vickan to come here and eat tacos with me if she wanted and she will. So it will be taco night and idol (as 79% of everyone in Sweden). Tomorrow we are going to my boyfriends’ friends and on Sunday, his mami has her birthday so we’ll be there and celebrate her <3 Will really calm down this weekend, have already cleaned the entire apartment and will prepare as much work as I can. So much needed 🙂 Now I’ll get started here, have a nice Friday babes!

9 reaktioner på “FRIDAY”

  • Elin Nilsson skriver:ängor/18413?gclid=CjwKCAjw3rfOBRBJEiwAam-GsL8JpI7w9pSm0qD8_oEcVesIhdkfULNhCy_-kSlplDoaZJQDSqgVfhoCF8AQAvD_BwE

    Dessa! Blir inte blöt om man nu inte går i dm-djupa vattenpölar 🙂 varma som tusan är dom också, knappt att det var tillräckligt kallt i vintras 😀

  • Mae skriver:

    Jag älskar också den där hatten 🙂 Var är den ifrån?

  • Agata skriver:

    Säger bara skor från Johnny Bulls…! 🙂

  • caterina skriver:

    Hi Alex!

    I am a big fan of yours, I just want to say I love your bring sportswear range, but I do think it is a bit expensive! Especially when you can get maybe adidas jackets for a cheaper price? It may be cheap in sweden but in Euro or £ it costs a lot of money and the material is made in china? Do you have any plans to lower the cost or have more discount codes…I am not the only one who thinks this. All your stuff is amazing and more people would purchase if it was a bit lower, especially in countries like the UK. Caterina x

    • Alexandra Bring skriver:

      Thanks for your feedback <3 please keep in mind that bigger brands order thousands of thousands, and we are small and order a couple hundred pieces only. With staff, warehouse, taxes and customs etc there is no room for lower prices. I’ve been working on this project in almost 3 years without getting one single salary since there isn’t any room for that. With lower prices than this I would either have to choose a manufacturing without good standards for the employees or only have like one collection a year 🙁

      • CATERINA skriver:

        Wow, that was so insightful! Thank you for the reply…I am sorry I had no idea it went into that much detail. I feel really bad for even mentioning the prices now. I have always purchased your stuff and love it and completely understand the prices now. I am sorry you haven’t had a salary 🙁 and am glad you choose a factory with good working standards. You should definitely do a blog post about the production, the customs and the work you put in to it..I am interest and I’m sure many of your readers will be. It definitely wants me to purchase more of your stuff. Thank you alex!! You are so inspiring! xx

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