Finally arrived to my hometown Umeå at 13.03 (1 pm) and it was sunset haha!

Had some welcome drinks with mum and Erik!

Loki enjoyed being with one of his favs after the flight, my sis!

My grandmother kept calling Loki for her but I think she liked ”her” 😉

Always in the kitchen haha..

Mummy got the flu 🙁 Loki tried to bite her in the fingers..

Loki was really excited about going out in the cold rain haha..

X-mas feeling at mums house!

When we had dinner and Loki had to stay at his place..

Me, Loki and my siblings went to my grandmothers house with some candy at x-mas eve and Loki said hello to Dolly.

Trying to take a x-mas pic with my baby

Dessert time with my family. I did snickers and my oreo balls.

We played a gift game and this was my price.

We ended the night playing games and Loki was tired after getting too much attention from everybody.

Hej babes! Sorry för sen uppdatering men jag försöker slappna av medan jag är här. Göra sånt jag typ aldrig gör. Ligga i sängen och dra mig och ta en nap haha. Det är väldigt härligt =) Kan slappna av bra hemma och jag försöker att sova ikapp lite. Min mamma har fått influensa stackaren!! Vi skulle egentligen ut och käka ikväll med familjen men vi möter upp Emma istället. Våran nästan-familj.  Har det i alla fall jättebra här. Ingen stress, bara njuta.. Precis vad jag behöver! Måste åka tillbaka snart när mamma är frisk igen.

Hur har er jul varit? <3 Hoppas den varit jättefin oavsett hur ni valt att spendera den. Kram

Hi babes! Sorry for the late update but I try to relax while I’m here. Making things I never do. Lying in bed late and take a nap haha. It’s very nice =) Can relax well at home and I’m trying to catch up on sleep. My mother has got the flu poor thing!! We were suppose to eat with the family tonight but we will meet up with Emma instead. Our almost-family. Anyway I have a  great time here. No stress, just enjoying my time .. Just what I need! Must go back soon when my mother is healthy again.

How have your x-mas been? <3 I hope it was really nice no matter how you chose to spend it. Hugs

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