Hello babes och sorry för bildbomben haha! Passade på att fota med nya kameran och var tvungen att prova i olika ljus och med olika objektiv ;P Igår blev det melodifestivalen och tacos, gjorde både med fisk och kött, jag åt fisk i alla mina, så gott! Om ni missat mitt recept på FISH TACO (klick) så kan ni kolla nu. Yummyyyy!!
Loki fick leka i hundparken och jag kan lova att mina kläder inte såg så rena och fina ut efteråt, det var lerigt i hela parken och alla hundar var sjukt peppade haha. Loki trodde att han var störst som vanligt. Han fick hoppa in i duschen direkt tillsammans med alla mina kläder. Men dock sjukt nice väder, njöt av flera timmar i solen!!! Hoppas på sol snart. Nu ska jag äta lunch och sedan blir det lite ärenden + bowling! Perfekt söndag <3
Hello babes and sorry for the photo bomb haha! Took the opportunity to take pictures with the new camera and had to try it in different light and with different lenses ;P Yesterday was the Eurovision Song Contest and tacos, made with both fish and meat, I had fish in all mine, so good! If you missed my recipe for FISH TACO (click) you can check it out now. Yummyyyy !!
Loki had to play in the dog park, and I can promise that my clothes did not look so clean and nice afterwards, it was muddy throughout the park and all the dogs were so excited haha. Loki thought he was the greatest as usual. He had to jump into the shower immediately along with all my clothes when we got home. But however such a nice weather, I enjoyed several hours in the sun!!! Hope to see the sun soon again. Now I’m gonna have lunch and then do some errands + bowling! Perfect Sunday <3